Let me get on one of these...
So I could go and visit with these (two)...
I recently went on a little trip all by myself to go and see my Best Friend Heidi and her baby girl Amelia in Oregon.
We have been Best Friends for a long time.
And when she had her first baby, I just had to fly down and see them. Heidi and I are very close and have very similar tastes. And we even end up buying the same things quite often. Well, one evening we decided to get comfy and put on our pajamas. This is a what happened...
We bought these at different stores a year apart!
We went out to eat and went shopping (Ross, of course!) and even got our picture taken with Santa. No, Amelia wasn't there. We just decided to do it, what's wrong with 2 grown women sitting on Santa's lap? We've been good - we even got a candy cane to prove it!
We talked and talked and laughed and laughed. And then laughed hysterically about this yummy dessert I found in her cupboard. Yes, you read the can correctly. This delectable treat is sponge pudding with raisins, canned. And if you look closely, it is microwaveable, you know, just in case you're in a hurry! Did you ever know that Heinz made such a thing?

When I saw this can I thought, "This has "blog" written all over it!" So, I made her pose with it, as we tried not to laugh so hard we peed our pants.
We made homemade candy
Total re-enactment picture, can you tell?
On my last night there, her husband was out of town. And she talked me into putting on our matching PJ's and SANTA HAT'S (only for you, Heidi, would I wear a Santa hat!) and drive around and look at Christmas lights. We stuck the camera on the dashboard, used the timer, and took a picture of ourselves! Aren't we clever?
I took TONS of pictures, with both of our cameras. I told her that I was her own personal paparazzi for the weekend. You know how we all love to take pictures, but are always the ones behind the camera? So, I took lots of pictures of them together. I really had a fun time with them and miss them already! I am happy to report that I got my "baby girl" fix and was able to put my "dressing-a-little-baby-girl-and-putting-bows-on-her-head" skills to use.
I can not believe the Spotted Dick treat. Where does one find such a delectable delight?
Fun pictures- glad to see you in front of the camera! Now I wanna hop on an airplane to go visit friends.
I am so blessed to have you in my life and love the post. I had a blast and cannot wait to see you again this Summer!
Love ya tons!
Oh by the way, I think they sell 'Spotted Dick' at World Market Cost Plus :0)
Love the matching jammies. I'd love to get some spotted dick. My husband, not so much.
What a fun trip! I am so glad you found my blog. You trip looked like it was a blast - good friends like that are worth their weight in gold, but a can of Spotted Dick... priceless :}
You are such a good blogger...come over to my house and upload pictures if it's taking so long. Fun fun post.
I'm dying over the twinner jammies and spotted dick. Spotted dick would be the best white elephant present EVER. Where do I get some?
Hi - I found you through Ilene's blog - hope you don't mind me reading and commenting!
Spotted Dick (and many other English yummies like mushy peas and branston pickle) can be found at the conoco at 726 E 43rd Ave... on the South Hill. As the proud wife of an English Ex-pat I am required to know these things :)
I loved seeing the pictures of you and Heidi, and Amelia, of course. I'm so glad you got to go. It looks like you really had a wonderful time. I miss you both and all the fun we had at Girls Night Out.
I'm jealous, so jealous...looks like you had a so much fun. I so want to this with one of my dear friends...
Hey Penny, I am so jealous that you got to hold that baby girl! I hope all is well, I miss you a ton! The pictures of the baptism were wonderful tell Tyler congrats from the Webb family! Love to you, Bronwyn
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