Monday, January 7, 2008

This is not just a Sunday summary, this is a Holiday Summary!

We had a really nice Christmas Season this year. We went over to the Yost's for dinner (the Sunday before Christmas) and to re-enact the Nativity with all of our our kids. After they all finally figured out who would play who, the adults sat down to watch this event unfold. It was very cute and quite funny, but not exactly how I imagined it might have been on that night long ago. I think the funniest part was when "Mary" "gave birth". Or in other words dropped the basketball out of her shirt, kicked it across the room, and dropped the baby Jesus
into the manger.

Next, we had a pre-Christmas Eve with Todd's mom, Pam. We ate manicotti and opened presents as it snowed outside.

Then, we had Christmas Eve with Jerry and Barbara (Todd's dad and his wife) and family...

They kids got a Wii, and were thrilled, as you can imagine.

We spent Christmas morning at home, seeing what Santa had brought and making a mess.

We got the kids Guitar Hero and then "Rocked Out" all morning. All except for Todd, he got
boo-ed off the stage! And just in case you are curious...Yes, I do Rock!!

Then we went back over to Doris and Mel's for Christmas dinner.

Brandon brought his saxophone, so that him and Mel could play together. They played Christmas songs, it was really neat.

We got a toy guitar for Nathan so that he wouldn't feel left out when the older kids play Guitar Hero. The funny thing is that he really thinks he is playing the game when they are. Well, Nathan decided he wanted to play his "guitar" too. So, him and Mel played together.

Then, he tested Mel to see if he could play behind his head like he had seen on Guitar Hero.

Did I mention that Santa left us a note on Christmas morning? He always leaves US a note. Usually he tells the kids how special they are and how they should be good to each other.

If you are really interested in what it says, just click on the picture.

I think this is what we will ask Santa to bring us next year:
For ALL of our family to live here!!


Jessica said...

Man, I'm all holiday spirited again. We were the lucky Yost family last year!! Maybe they are just moving around the court?

Ilene said...

I would love to see you rocking out on Guitar Hero.

I always knew you were a rocker chic.

day in the life of a prince said...

Ok, I'm inspired. Maybe now I will finally post my Christmas pictures.

rawemoments said...

What a fun time you guys had, I cannot wait to visit in the Summer and try out Guitar Hero, it seems like there's a lot of musical talent in your family.

I really liked Santa's letter too.

Love you tons!

Cathy L. said...

I love reading your blog! I can't figure out how to do it the way you do it. (With pictures in your comments?) Your kids are growing up too fast! You look happy :-)

Cathy Lillian

The Hansen Clan said...

It looks like you had a blast! What great pictures of your darling family. Good luck this weekend with all of your exciting baptism events!!!

jessica said...

You just taught me that it's never too late to post an event...Oh the posts that I could do...