Easter sure came fast this year. On Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt at the Wagstaff's house. They live up in the hills and have beautiful property with hills and trees and rocks. All the things that make for a great egg hunt. Kids actually have to hunt for them instead of 600 eggs being laid flat out on the grass. It was fun and the view was amazing!

We actually colored Easter eggs this year. Everyone is in their pajamas, but at
least we got it done.

The Easter Bunny came and left Easter baskets for the kids...

Funny thing happened on Easter morning...The Easter bunny brought the kids an Easter basket with a HUGE can of pringles,(this is not the regular size but a much, much bigger can) a chocolate bunny, another big box of candy, etc. Well, Tyler had eaten his ENTIRE can of Pringles and his whole chocolate bunny before Todd and I were even out of bed! The pig! Well, I always take a picture of the kids and then one of our family right before we leave for Church....

Notice that Tyler and Todd are missing from the picture. Why, do you ask? Tyler was soooo sick from eating all those Pringles & candy(and he had oatmeal for breakfast) that he was crying in the bathroom, thinking he was going to throw up. And after our Christmas program barfing by Brandon (yes right during Sacrament meeting), we didn't want a repeat for the Easter program. So they stayed home and the rest of us went to church. Tyler was perfectly fine by the time I got home, and ready to eat again. Boys...
I may not be able to dress my kids in cute little pink dresses with bows and flowers in their hair, but it just doesn't get much cuter than this...
Happy Easter!
(Nathan was very concerned about the Easter bunny coming to visit. He does NOT like Santa or the bunny. He definately did NOT want him to leave the basket anywhere near his room. So, the Easter bunny left the baskets on the stairs this year.)