There has not been one child born into our family that has not been stricken with OCD tendencies. Our 4 year old, Nathan is the one most affected at this moment. (Fortunately, they seem to get over it at about age 6 or so) The hysterics range from turning his "Birthday Snoopy" around when he goes to sleep because he doesn't like him smiling at him while he's sleeping.

Nathan with the "Snoopy" in question

Nathan re-enacting turning around Snoopy so he isn't smiling at him!
To having to go through a script each time he goes to sleep. This is the script:
Nathan: "Goodnight" (Has to be said BEFORE the door is closed)
Mom: "Goodnight"
Door closes
Nathan: "Goodnight"
Mom: "Goodnight"
Nathan: "Love you too"
Mom: "Love you too"
Nathan: "See you in the morning" (This is said at nap time also)
Mom: "See you in the morning"
If we don't repeat these things back to him verbatim, the whole process starts over. Is this not insanity?
Not only do we have to go through all these shenanigans but he also takes inventory each time he gets in bed. In his bed, he must have:
1. 1 - old teddy bear with old blue t-shirt
2. 1- 2" Pirate from a McDonald's happy meal. Because the pirate is only 2", he is quite frequently lost in the wee hours of the night. To which we are awakened by the screaming of "I can't find my pirate!" By the way, we do have a "back up pirate" , I would never relate this information to Nathan for fear that he would need to sleep with them both!! He also sleeps with a night light, nigh-night and 2 blankets, that have to be specifically placed. Have I made my case yet?

Here is the culprit, with his nigh-night, bear, and pirate!
The whole reason I had the idea of this post was one evening I came across this...

Ya know, you never quite realize how crazy your life sounds until you write it all down.... Heaven help me!!
Good posed specifically for the blog are always a little more funny!
And you are a nice mom for catering to all these needs.
Annoying, but it's just a developmental thing. I wish one of my girls would get OCD about cleaning their room. I wish ANYONE in this family could be a little OCD about cleaning! Esp me!
I like how he smiles vanna white style for all the pictures.
LOVE how you have a second pirate. What a smart mom. When I am on my 4th boy, I hope to be just like you.
WOW. You are a champ. Here is my children's bedtime routine:
Good night. Did you brush your teeth?
Good night. Did you brush your TEETH?
Good night. Did you brush YOUR TEETH?
Good night. Did you BRUSH YOUR TEETH?
Like mother, like son? I seem to recall a spit soaked ninight that had to be ready for bedtime as well as a round of songs that had to be sung nightly, which you neglected to mention, Nathan requires as well. And heaven help the grandparents or uniformed babysitter who doesn't know the CORECT version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Who knew there were different versions? And the socks! What sane person goes to bed without socks? Oh the little fellow is far more twisted than you shared. It just goes to show that you are over the edge and don't recognize the additional abberant behaviors. Poor baby.
Like mother, like son? I seem to recall a spit soaked ninight that had to be ready for bedtime as well as a round of songs that had to be sung nightly, which you neglected to mention, Nathan requires as well. And heaven help the grandparents or uniformed babysitter who doesn't know the CORECT version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Who knew there were different versions? And the socks! What sane person goes to bed without socks? Oh the little fellow is far more twisted than you shared. It just goes to show that you are over the edge and don't recognize the additional abberant behaviors. Poor baby.
Like mother, like son? I seem to recall a spit soaked ninight that had to be ready for bedtime as well as a round of songs that had to be sung nightly, which you neglected to mention, Nathan requires as well. And heaven help the grandparents or uniformed babysitter who doesn't know the CORECT version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Who knew there were different versions? And the socks! What sane person goes to bed without socks? Oh the little fellow is far more twisted than you shared. It just goes to show that you are over the edge and don't recognize the additional abberant behaviors. Poor baby.
OOOOPSS!!! The balsted thing hasn't worked the last 25 times I tried to post it and suddenly it's there 3 times.
He is just the cutest and I loved to see his cars all lined up like that. Being married to a 'Rawe' I have to wonder, is Amelia going to have OCD tendencies too? - eek!
We love you!
That was so funny! Aren't kids the best? My son has some similar issues that BUG me but like Paige said hopefully it is developmental and will go away eventually?!?
Penny, Very few things make me actually laugh out loud, but this post did. I especially loved the part about the second pirate and turning Snoopy around. I think this blog will prove to be a treasure to you because we think we will always remember funny things like this and we somehow forget. Looks like you have some friends leaving comments. A lot of people don't on my blog, but that's okay because it's mostly for me anyway. Take care!
I wish you were the only one with these kind of problems. Bedtime would be so much quicker, if we didn't have the WHOLE bedtime routine everynight!!
Well, Pennith, as a memeber of said extended family, I'm gonna laugh that you have to do that. If I have kids, they get one night night, and if they screw it up, that's it, lonliness... forever!
Where are you?? BLog, would ya?
This is an old post, but I couldn't resist commenting. First, my angel (babyman) is a little over 2mos. (I don't wish any time away w/him, (well, an hour here or there;)away from age 3). he already seems OCD about many things. He will walk by a drawer with the slightest piece of fabric showing & will make sure its put in. Must have Pablo, "Raf" blankie, winnie, certain pillow,ect. at bedtime.:)Yes!, like mother like son. I've annoyed those around me for years w/my OCD. Crazy thing is I'm a complete pack rat. Hopefully my sweet boy will not inherit this as well! Anyway, I too cater to my son (when I feel its within proper limits). He has back ups of a few of his fav. "babies". The comment posted by "Anonymous/Mom said" seems to be written by a "different" type of person & mother as yourself. You seem to be a loving and kind mom. You and your son('s) are very blessed to have one another... regardless of what anyone else feels!:)
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