Monday, April 21, 2008

Nathan recants

This is Nathan. Nathan is 4 years old and has many funny idiosyncrasies. (You can read about Nathan's other OCD tendencies in an earlier post) One is that he does NOT like Santa. When asked why, he says, "Because I don't like his beard and boots." So, not only does Nathan not like Santa, he really doesn't like anyone with a beard. So, last year when our friends The Pate's came to visit, he cried and wouldn't come out of his room. He wanted NOTHING to do with Everette, who has quite a long beard. He pleaded with us to just let him stay in his bed. This was at 3:00 in the afternoon. It was so very embarrassing- Finally after the whole day of them being here, he was ok being in the same room with Everette. And even ended up liking him as they left. The funny thing was that after being so scared of him, he talked about him and asked his wife how he was doing. Well, fast forward about 8 months... The Pate's came and stayed the night with us on their way to Montana. Nathan was excited to see them, and especially "Ebrett" (Everette). When they arrived, he told "Ebrett", "You're the only bearded guy I like." It was priceless!!

We tried to tell Nathan that is was just hair and to touch it- and, of course I had the camera ready!

The kids played pool and watched a movie while the adults went out to dinner
(I forgot to take a picture- dang it!)...
Thanks again guys!!

(My) Brandon and (Her) Todd are very much alike. They both enjoy helping with cars, building things, fixing things, and any kind of work.

We finished off their short visit with a trip to Cabella's. I know, it looks like the zoo. But it is the biggest sports store ever.

We are so grateful for their friendship!!


jessica said...

I love the things Eden says, four year olds are the best!...Good thing your friend thought it was funny...or did he? And how does Nathan feel about Kevin and his goatee. I haven't seen any melt downs at church so it must have gorwn on him over the last year and half...

rawemoments said...

That's hilarious, I love the photo of Nathan touching the beard - priceless.

I can't wait to visit this summer!

AMY said...

Even though what the say or do can be embarrassing, I have to laugh under my breath. Way too cute.

Ilene said...

When I was three or so my dad went out of town and grew a beard. I screamed so much and wouldn't go near him so he ended up shaving it off.

Lesson learned: My dad loves me and I hate beards to this day.